15 - A Big No to Smoke

Although dragons’ existence had been vanished in this world a very long time ago, their fire breathingor, smoke breathingskill has still been in its existence, and it is one of the most irritating problems that we have been encountering in our society right now, and it’s called cigarette smoking- no offense, but this is how I see people who smoke cigarettes.

Accidental sniffing of  second-hand smoke from a smoker has always been a big problem of mine because I was born with asthma. I wish there would be another world where only smokers could stay at, so we non-smokers could reap the benefits of the clean, fresh air of this magnificent world. 

What I hated the most about smokers is that most of them aren’t concern of other people who didn't smoke. I did see that our government is now doing a move to find a way to lessen the number of smokers in the society by making some protocols, but I think It won't be enough because some of the government officials aren't doing their responsibility to really lessen its number. Our local government officials sucked at making protocols because their minds are concentrated only on the taxes that they'll going to receive from the tax payers.

Smoking both cigar and cigarette is very dangerous to our health, though it could make you look cool and tough, but behind these things lurks the side effects that you could actually get from continuous smoking. Nicotine, the main ingredient of a cigar and the main ingredient for killing one's life. It is  a yellowish, oily liquid chemical that our naked eyes can't see, if this thing builds up in one's lung, it could be impossible to be remove. Most of the smokers died young because of this bad habit; they had died young because of  having a lung cancer. Researchers had shown that lung cancer was mostly caused by either smoking a cigarette or inhaling a second-hand smoke. Actually, people who inhaled second-hand smokes are more likely to have a greater risk of having lung cancer.

So if you're trying to sniffor, for even a littlea cigarette, I strongly encourage you to stop it this instant because you  might destroy other lives, including me.So be a life-saver! SAY NO TO SMOKE BECAUSE SMOKING KILLS!


  1. Mr. Jushuwu, I am not a smoker and I oppose it, so I really appreciated your post about this topic.

  2. This is a good topic. You really stated the effects. I like it

  3. Good to know that you're not a smoker! :) --- "Be a life-saver!"

  4. I am happy that you are supporting no to smoking campaigns. Keep up the good work. :)


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