14 - I.T.'s Old Age

One of the organizations in our school (Asia Pacific College) which is the Junior Philippine Computer Science (JPCS), had conducted an event called 'SoCSIT Week' which was usually celebrated every year. SoCSIT week is an annual event made only for students who are studying either Computer Science or Information Technology. One of the main purpose why SoCSIT week was celebrated, is for us  to remember the old times after the Information Technology had started.

As you may all know, I'm one of the students who had celebrated that entertaining event because I'm a Computer Science student. So I'm going to describe the things -or, activities- that I had encounter during that event:

The event was a one week event, so there were several activities that the JPCS organization made for us. The first activity -I didn't remember the title of it - was about wearing an Old fashion clothes that 90's people used to wore either when they went to stroll around or when they went  to work in an office. It started on Tuesday, outside the our school, which is the parking lot. As what I've seen, some CSIT students still insisted not to cooperate that first activity because they thought it would made them look weird, they aren't used to wear old-fashion clothes. As for me, I'd still cooperated even though I looked like a 'jologs'-a Filipino word which describes someone being weird by wearing old-fashioned clothes. Although I was wearing my old-fashioned costume, some of my blockmates found it very nice. While we were in the parking lot, we had been task to walk around to represent our costumes as well as our sections - our leader had brought a huge tarpaulin that has our section name. It was very hot that day, I had became really exhausted after that activity. I thought that the 'JPCS' would give us any rewards or anything, but they did not.

"I had skipped some of the activities of that event, so I have less information to tell you."
The next special activity -or, should I say event - that made us really excited was called "30 Seconds of Fame or Shame." Probably all of the SoCSIT students -including me- participated that it. It was a heck of a lot of fun because that event was actually made, for us to perform on the stage. Technically, some of my friends and I had made a group for that event, and what we did afterwards was, we said some jokes, but we had received a shame from the judges and then we had drunk a disgusting drink that was hard to describe what it tastes like. Though it made most of us really tired, but it had left us a big smile on our faces.

SoCSIT week was really an enjoying event. I really appreciated  it a lot, even though we got embarrassed on stage for doing an awful performance. This maybe one of the most special days that I'll remember in my college years.


  1. Thank you for persuading me not to smoke, Joshua! I hope you will not smoke, too!

    1. Thanks Ms. Kaila! But I think you had commented on the wrong blog post xD.
      You should have commented it on this one: http://moralesjoshua.blogspot.com/2015/08/15-big-no-to-smoke.html

  2. Good Job on making a research about this

  3. Dude, you pershuaded me not to smoking, thank you're! I almost killing myself. 10/10 would red again :^)

    1. I'm very happy to know that both of you and Kaila Roguel were persuaded by this life-saving post of mine. I think you should also look at my latest blog post (no.15), for it could maybe pursue you - too - on liking the 90's attire.


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